Is it moral to use AdBlock?

as younger internet users might know AdBlock is an extension to an internet browser that blocks ads. There is nothing more to it as far as I know, it is completely free and seems to live only on donations (or ads maybe?). This is quite useful. Right after you install which is done just by one click it will start to count all the ads that it blocked. You will soon see 3 and 4 digit numbers especially if you go on sites like Facebook or YouTube or even more on some heavily ad-dependent sites (I guess Putlocker is a good example). Everything seems much smoother and faster, right?

Sometimes sites do detect the AdBlock and then either they won’t let you see some part of the site (I encountered with not seeing the discussion for example) or they will just ask you to turn it off because:


And that is exactly what we should expect, that is what ads are for but with AdBlock you use the service that the site provides completely for free but at the same time they have nothing from it. It is not like the ads were really destroying your experience on the internet but beware, as the creators of AdBlock are saying when you download it… it is the most used extension on Chrome with 40 million users. That is not a small number and because of us, AdBlock users the sites probably need to add more ads or earn money by other means anyway.

I guess one could argue that, that is the point, they should earn money otherwise, or that pop-up ads are extremely annoying or that the ads on YouTube are no longer skippable (in TV it is no difference, right?).

I am the non-user now and have set it as a first step to respect creators on internet (and all the others as well) since there is so much stealing going on (movies, music, books etc.).


PS: they have amazing advertisement

One thought on “Is it moral to use AdBlock?

  1. it depends on the sites, if you think those sites is very helful to you then turn off your adblocker

    but some bad sites that doesn’t even help you but cause trouble like having multiple popups and annoying video, that is why adblocker are created

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